
This program began in the summer of 2009 to serve the children of Arlington, Sandgate and Sunderland in conjunction with Fisher Elementary School and Sunderland Elementary School as well as Happy Days Playschool and Arlington Memorial High School.  Each week a bag of fixings for a week’s worth of lunches, including a coupon for a half-gallon of milk is given per child. We also distribute donated fresh produce and often a book or small toy or other item.  All of the snack items included in the bag are donated through the local churches, including Federated Church of East Arlington and St. James’ Episcopal Church.

Through the collaborative effort of at least a dozen organizations including the Arlington Food Shelf, the schools, the churches and numerous service organizations, we were able to serve 45 children for 9 weeks in 2009 and this has grown to 76 children over 10 weeks in 2012.

Distribution takes place at Fisher Elementary School where we are able to store the food for the summer and work out of the kitchen there.  Dozens of volunteers make this program work.  Volunteers are used to pick up items, sort, and then distribute food each Tuesday throughout the summer.  The generous financial contributions of members of our community allow this program to continue, free of charge, to families in need.

For more information or to find out how to get involved, see our contact us page.

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